Q: Do I need to register before shopping?

Registering on our website will allow you to track your order easily and checkout quickly using your saved shipping and billing details. However, you can check out without making an account. We also have the option of guest checkout using a phone number, and if you use this option, then you can receive updates on your order via SMS.

Q: How can I place the order?

Use our store link i.e., https://jeyemby.com/ to find what you like.

Clicking on the “Add to Cart” button will take you to your Shopping Cart screen where you’ll see a list of the products you’ve selected, the price, quantity, subtotals and grand total.

Click “Proceed to Checkout”.

Fill in the “Contact Information”. Click “Continue to Shipping Method”.

Fill in the “Billing Information” and “Shipping Method” forms.

Select your desire mode of payment

To confirm your order, click on “Complete Order”, note your Order Number which will be provided to you at the “Thank You” page.

Q: How can I be sure that I’ve made my purchase?

Once you have placed your order, you will receive a confirmation email & SMS. If you do not receive an email, contact our customer service or call at 0315-5526906

Q: What payment method can I use to make my purchase?

We offer the following payment methods:
Cash on delivery (COD)

Q: Will I receive the same product I see in the photo?

Please note that images of each product’s color and design may vary slightly from actual product’s color and design, due to different device screen settings, the lighting in the installation location, slight differences in product finishes over time, size and other factors.

Q: How can I contact the customer service department?

You can share any queries or comments by calling 0315-5526906 or email or by contacting us through our social media channels.


Q: What is the delivery time?

Order delivery takes 5 – 7 working days, depending on the size and availability of the product.

Q: What could be the reasons of delayed delivery of my order?

Timely delivery is subject to availability of stocks and payment authorizations. In certain cases, we might request for some form of payment verification or source in order to process the order.

Q: What are the delivery charges?
Delivery charges are Rs.199 per order.

Q: How do I check the delivery status?

All items sold are delivered through reputed courier partners. Once dispatched, you will be provided a Tracking ID for your order through email. You may also check the status of your order on our website with the help of the Order ID provided to you at the time of order placement.

Q: What means do you use to deliver the order?

We ship all over Pakistan through our courier partners.
